How a freelance career supports neurodivergent professionals  

“In a world dominated by rising technological advancement and automation, the benefits that come from having an inclusive, neurodiverse workforce have never been greater.” – Forbes 

Neurodivergence is not a topic often spoken about in the workplace, despite an estimated 15-20% of the population being neurodivergent. The good news is that a shift in awareness is upon us as more employers are catching on to the benefits and strengths of including neurodiverse professionals in their organizations.  

They see what we see – being a professional with ‘atypical’ cognitive function is a SUPERPOWER.  Whether you have ADHD, dyslexia, autism, or another neuro-distinction, your unique world experience and expertise can bring invaluable fresh and innovative perspectives to companies and help drive change.  

Skills like creativity, innovation, intuitive reasoning, resilience, time management, problem-solving, and working memory are only a few of the benefits that neurodivergent professionals bring to the workplace. Neurodivergent professionals also design for more inclusive experiences overall as they are hyperaware of unique needs. 

However, traditional workplaces aren’t always the best environment to foster these strengths. Freelancing, rather than a typical full-time job dynamic, can specifically help neurodivergent individuals THRIVE. If you prefer less social distraction, like to control your environment and excel with fewer time constraints to work in your own flow, a freelance career could be a great fit.  

3 benefits of a freelance career for neurodivergent professionals 

Did you know that some of the most famous business icons of our time have achieved incredible success by leveraging their neurodivergent strengths? 

Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Airlines, credits his multi-billion-dollar empire to his ADHD and dyslexia. Charlotte Valeur, founder of Global Governance Group, has over 40 years of experience in financial markets and says that “being autistic has made [her] career.” David Neelman, founder of JetBlue, embraces his ADHD as his entrepreneurial superpower.  

These tycoons built their careers on the power of their neurodivergent strengths. Here are three benefits of a freelance career that allow you to leverage yours.

1) Focus on work you love  

Freelancing allows you the freedom to be selective about the projects you take on. You can focus on the roles that you are most interested in and that specifically target and optimize your strengths.  

2) Customize your work environment 

The ‘non-traditional’ freelance work dynamics allow you to create your ideal work environment. You have flexibility to choose your own work schedule, location, and the teams that are the best culture fit for you so you can do your best work. 

3) Claim your autonomy  

Many freelancers work remotely because they prefer an environment without the social pressure and sensory activities of a traditional work setting that can often be distracting or challenging. This also allows freelancers to work more independently at their own pace and with increased autonomy.  

Interested in pursuing freelance work?  

It's important to note that freelancing may not be the ideal fit for everyone. Consider your personal preferences, strengths, and challenges when deciding on the best work arrangement for yourself. 

Want to better understand your strengths and where they fit in the workplace? Join our Soundings Thrive community (for free) and gain access to career coaching, continued education, work opportunities, social community, and more. 

For a limited time when you join our network, you will also receive a code to take a free Strengths Assessment to evaluate your strengths and what makes you uniquely powerful!  


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